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PCB manufacturing – Applications

LED lamp
Due to the antiglare light cones spatial areas can be brightened up and light accents can be set. By tapping the touch sensor the lightness can be adjusted, respectively the luminaire can be switched on and off. See also www.hellinge.ch.

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Function generator
In the field of electrical engineering the function generator can be used multifunctional, especially in the process measuring and control engineering. It is characterized by a compact miniaturized design and a supremely versatile applicability in the same time as an attractive price. Furthermore, this small-sized function generator provides a frequency range of 6 decades between 40 mHz and 40 kHz – see www.geltec.de.

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Uwe-3 – german picosatellite flying into the space
Miniaturized space technology: A group of scientists and students from the University of Würzburg developed a practical picosatellite. UWE-3 should be launched by a Russian rocket into the orbit at end of 2013. At 600 km altitude the cube, with a weight of 1 kg, will transmit the measured data to ground control.

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Floor sensor
The SensFloor system is a universally useable floor sensor system with capacitive proximity sensors, based on a 2 mm textile underlay. The sensor system distinguishes between a person standing or laying on the floor and determines the direction and the velocity of the movement. SensFloor is able to switch on lights, controls automatic doors and detects unauthorized intrusion. The proximity sensitive floor is able to distinguish between walking from a fall, detect activities and display accordingly different alarm and static signals or appeal to actuators.

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Test device for wrist watches
This system controls the operation of 32 mechanical movements simultaneously simulating actual use. On a typical 24-hour period, the system allows the detection of the majority of defects by performing various acoustic measurements. See www.femto.ch/en/products/
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pcb manufacturing